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The Impact of Technology on Senior Living

Advancements in technology happen so quickly that it can be hard to keep up with at times. Franklin Park® Senior Living knows that seniors love to adapt and learn, so we want to share a few of the impacts that advancing technology has created for older adults.


Although it may not be the most impressive benefit of technology, convenience is undoubtedly an essential aspect of it. Today, the success of a product is primarily determined by how convenient it is to use. With a plethora of options in the market for any device, convenience is often the deal-breaking factor for in-store purchases.

Because convenience is regarded so highly in consumer products, many seniors can find products in stores that are easier to use than ever before. For example, smartwatches and wearable devices have exploded in the market because they allow the user to track their emails, health habits, and location right from their wrist.

As technology trends progress, technology will continue to become more convenient. Seniors that adopt technology for convenience can have a significantly easier time completing daily tasks than those who choose to avoid it.


Safety is a top priority for many older adults. With certain health conditions, seniors can experience a loss of balance or a feeling of dizziness that causes falls. To prevent seniors from being injured, a variety of products have been adapted to have improved safety features. For example, personal emergency response systems are becoming much more advanced than ever before.

Personal emergency response systems are wearable products that the user can press a button on to signal for help in the event of an emergency. Many times, seniors will use these devices if they are prone to losing their balance or falling. Although the device won’t prevent the fall, it will signal for professional help immediately by contacting care providers and the local police. Personal emergency response systems allow seniors to receive the aid they need sooner, reducing the risk of aggravating an existing injury from a fall.


Entertainment and technology are closely related in today’s society. Frequently, the main selling point of entertainment is that it’s going to feature the latest technologies in visuals and processing power. With the ties between entertainment and technology growing stronger, seniors can experience an entirely different meaning of technology.

Technology has allowed people to stream movies, shows, and music to almost any device that’s portable. Although many seniors aren’t familiar with this, it can be an excellent way for your loved one to reconnect with older shows that they remember watching. Music services typically have many songs and albums by beloved artists such as Elvis, The Beatles, and Michael Jackson.

Technology is changing rapidly every year. Keeping up with the latest technology trends isn’t always easy, but picking technologies that make life easier, safer, and more entertaining is never a bad idea. Speak with your loved one and share the benefits of technology with them!