Senior Living News & Articles

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How to Improve Your Post-Retirement Savings Plan

You have been working your entire life to create your ideal retirement. However, now that you have started this new chapter or as you approach it, it is possible to realize you may have underestimated the amount of money you need to maintain your retirement lifestyle.

ADLs and IADLs: What Are Activities of Daily Living?

During your assisted living research, you have likely come across the phrase activities of daily living, also referred to as ADLs. Or IADLS for instrumental activities of daily living. While you probably have a general idea of what these phrases mean, you may not fully understand how they relate to assisted living services and care.

Let’s Talk Retirement Planning Mistakes & Solutions

Your retirement years are a time to relax and enjoy the lifestyle you have worked hard to create. You should spend your days doing what you want to do, but the big question is, how do you make it happen? Starting from a young age, you have likely been thinking about your ideal retirement, but […]

3 Tips for Moving into an Assisted Living Community

Moving into an assisted living community is a major life event. Along with the move itself, the emotional aspects that come with you or your family member sorting through belongings, downsizing, and deciding which items to keep and what to part with are a lot. As a luxury senior living provider in Texas, Franklin Park® […]