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Franklin Park Senior Living Explores Natural Sleep Aids

Sleep can be elusive and as we get older, it can become more difficult to follow a regular sleeping schedule. At Franklin Park®, we encourage using natural methods to help you fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer. You may think you’re getting enough sleep, but did you know, there may be subtle signs that are indicating you’re not getting enough?

Sleep Deprivation Symptoms

  • Daytime Sleepiness – One of the most common symptoms of sleep deprivation is feeling sleepy throughout the day. Sleepiness can also be seen if you find yourself dozing off whilst the sun is still up. If you find yourself frequently yawning, or falling asleep while watching TV, this could mean you are not getting enough sleep at night.
  • Brain Fog – If you are experiencing fatigue throughout the day, and having simple lapses of thought, you most likely are experiencing brain fog. Have you ever had a moment where you forgot your neighbor’s name, just for a second, only to have it come flooding back? These little brain fog episodes can be linked to what we eat and how much sleep we are getting. If you experience severe brain fog, there could be a more pressing issue that should be discussed with your primary care doctor.
  • Weakened Immune System – Have you recently become sick and found that it took longer than normal to get healthy again? This could be because you are not getting enough sleep. The amount of sleep we get is directly related to how reliable our immune systems are.

Natural Supplements

Sometimes finding a healthy sleeping rhythm may include taking supplements. Generally, Franklin Park® seniors, like most older Americans, already take a multitude of daily medications. Instead of using chemicals and sleeping pills, we urge you to try taking a natural route. As always, receive a physician’s approval before adding any supplement to your daily intake.


According to The American Journal of Medicine, 1/3 of America’s elder population is affected by Insomnia. These studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between taking Valerian and improved sleep quality.


This supplement is a popular sleep aid used across the country. In some experiences, individuals experienced abnormal dreaming and a decrease in acid reflux for others. We recommend asking your primary care physician for a sample before purchasing a whole container of supplements.


This natural herb is commonly found in South America and is used widely for its calming effects. It has been claimed to have anti-anxiety, muscle relaxant, and sleep therapeutic benefits. These flowery plants were used by Ancient Civilizations for thousands of years for their healing benefits.


Lavender scented oil has a calming effect on the body. We would not suggest consumption of this oil, unless it is integrated into a tea drink. The results of lavender do not enhance sleeping abilities but do allow the body to enter a more resting state, which can induce sleep.

General Tips

If you have been experiencing the symptoms of sleep deprivation, a natural sleep aid supplement can be the safest addition to your routine. However, before an additional step, there are a few general tips that could prevent you from taking supplements. General rules to fall asleep quickly include:

  • Limit alcoholic intake
  • No caffeine after 2:00 p.m.
  • Eliminate unnecessary light sources (sleep mask)
  • Avoid all “screens” 1-hour before bed (television, phone, tablet)
  • Exercise regularly (150 minutes/week)

Falling asleep quickly, and staying asleep, can become a more significant issue. If you are experiencing problems with not getting enough sleep and these general tips for falling asleep quickly are not helping, contact your primary care physician with a natural supplement suggestion.

Franklin Park® is proud to help individuals remain healthy, naturally. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for tips, trends, and senior living news.